
Cyber Monday (or any day!) Shopping with Amazon Smile to Support CPR

Shopping this Cyber Monday??? 
Shop through the Amazon Smile program (click the image below) and a portion of your purchases will go to Compassionate Pug Rescue!  #StartWithASmileamazonsmile-cpr-holiday-season-2016-pizap-slide

Just one wish… HOME – Spike

Spike is a special needs pug who has been with CPR for about 2 1/2 years.  He waits for that special someone to pick him out of the crowd and grant his one wish….. a forever HOME!.

spike holiday pic 2015

Take Me Home For Christmas – Bugsy

I mean seriously!!! How adorable is this picture of Bugsy?!?! He’s waiting for you to take him home for the holidays!!!

Thank you to Paola Paladini Pet Photography for this picture and donating her time to photograph our fosters needing homes!!! 🐶🎅🎄🎁

bugsy paola paladini photog holiday pic

PUG LIFE Update – Lucy!

From Lucy’s forever mom: Lucy is the best!!!!!  She is so sweet.  She follows me everywhere and has the cutest personality.  I’m so happy I have her.
